Let us introduce you to the 7 creatives behind Lunch Beat Montreal, who will open the doors to thier first ever lunch club in just two days. In no specific order, they are;
Jan-Nicolas, 37, adman, like parties, used to be on Love Parade, Berlin, Ibiza, Prague, Brussels circuit, now quiet(er) in Montreal.
Mitchell, 22, burlesque and circus producer, tech nerd. Director of Cirquantique, a neo-burlesque and circus company.
Matthew, 35, music lifer. Is keen to start the partying at noon instead of ending it then.
Anna, 29, exchange-student, yoga teacher. Organized some Lunch Beats in Sweden, is excited to have Montreal, her favorite city in the world, going wild over lunchtime.
Adriana, 40, writer, yogini and tea addict. Is excited to bust out her dance moves somewhere other than in her kitchen.
Frédérique, 27, party girl, social media addict and community manager at TP1. Thinks Lunch Beat is a wonderful evolution of the flashmob spirit!
Patrick, 29, creative director and part-time singer. Leading the creative inside a digital agency called TP1 in Montreal.
You seem to be a fantastic crew! What have you come up with for the first LB Montreal?
The first Lunchbeat Montreal takes place at noon, on May 9th. Cinema Excentris, an independant, state-of-the-art cinema here in Montreal has kindly offered their space to host the first edition of Lunch Beat Montreal. A vegetarian lunch will be served by Café Méliès, along with RISE Kombucha, a healthy drink with a unique flavour that’s produced right here in Montreal.
Local unsung electronic music hero, Hissy Fit (Turbo/Aufect/Hybridity), will inaugurate the Lunch Beat Montreal DJ booth with a house-techno set. He has blessed many Montreal stages, known for his past performances at MUTEK and Piknic Electronik, he will be returning to the Piknic stage this summer.
Who do you hope will show up for Lunch beat Montreal?
We expect to see our friends from the advertising and communications industry, but Montreal has a diverse culture. We expect workers in the area from all industries, from students to late-night party animals. We hope Pierre Lapointe and DJ Champion show up. Arcade Fire would be nice, too.
And what do you see on a future horizon?
The response has been amazing so far, Lunch Beat is like made for Montreal, and we have no doubt whatsoever that this first edition is a sign of greater things to come. We also hope to generate interest in many venue owners in order for LBMTL to help make them know to the public.
You aim very high with your first club, did you get any help?
Yes! Many of our friends supported us in order to make LBMTL a pro-event, it’s really a co-creation! Excentris offered their space. CNW helped with press release and media list. L’Empreinte is printing posters and flyers. Infopresse media partner and banner ads space. RISE Kombucha great health drinks. Digital agency TP1 did the branding, ad campaign, social media and logistics.