The Tribe Becomes One

The Lunch Beat movement was born in Sweden no more then two years ago, in a garage located in the central parts of Stockholm city. On an ordinary weekday, fourteen people danced together during their lunch break and loved it. Since then Lunch Beat has spread organically all across the globe, engaging thousands of participants, by simply offering them a unique and quite different, co-creative lunch experience.

On May 31st the Lunch Beat movement is happy to welcome participants from approx. 15 cities all over Europe to be a part of the most massive Lunch Beat session ever experienced.

The simultaneous events will all be digitally live streamed with Bambuser to this  webpage open for anyone to watch. Furthermore each and every club will be able to pick and choose which of the streams to project on their own walls.

Together we will create a simultaneous dance floor and a new real time experience of how the language of dance unifies people no matter physical location.

More info about specific locations and venues

With love in the spring sun / m

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